Saturday, 12 April 2014

The Economist GMAT Scholarship Attempt

My results were quite disappointing. I scored 520, and there were no breakdown by quant and verbal. I didn't time myself during quant and left 8 questions unanswered. The scholarship contest ends on the 25th of April and I'm considering another attempt next week. Hopefully I'll score better then. 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Finally done with Geometry part 1!

Wow, it took me a week and half to finally complete part 1 of Geometry in the BTG study guide. It is indeed tough to study while having a full time job. I managed to study an hour before work, and two hours doing exercises from the OG13 after work. Part 2 tomorrow!

Today's Total:
Total Hours: 3
Total Hours on Quant: 3
Total Hours on Verbal: 0

Running Tally:
Total Hours: 36
Total Hours on Quant: 36
Total Hours on Verbal: 0

30/3/14  MGMAT CAT 1: 630 Q42 V34

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Geometry week

Spent the whole of last week in Geometry. I was following Day 15 of the BTG study guide. I was a little disappointed that I didn't manage to study much during the weekend. I should really buck up and try to study 2 hours before work, instead of the 1 hour that I'm doing now.  

Week's Total:
Total Hours: 6
Total Hours on Quant: 6
Total Hours on Verbal: 0

Running Tally:
Total Hours: 33
Total Hours on Quant: 33
Total Hours on Verbal: 0

30/3/14  MGMAT CAT 1: 630 Q42 V34